About us

Axiom is a group of budding developers and longtime friends who strive to create useful, intuitive, powerful, performant, and maintainable programs for humanity. We have been working together for several years at this point and have decided to create a public-facing group to showcase our work. Axiom was originally just the name of the server that hosted our projects, so we thought it fitting to name our group after it. The Axiom server continues to run today and powers many of our projects.

Who we are


Discord: @fullmetalfuzzball

Computer Science Graduate

University of Kansas

Full-stack Developer

Node.js, HTML/CSS/JS, Lua, Java

I do my best to make my code fast and simple. I am always iterating, learning new methods and implementing them in my work.

More information (Soon)


Matthew Postel

Discord: @badwolf22

Majoring in Computer Science

Emporia State University

Graduated December 2023

Node.js, HTML/CSS/JS, C/C++, Python, Java

My programming journey began in middle school when I made a batch file "chatbot". My love for programming only grew from there, and led me to become who I am today.

More information (Soon)

What we've built

Check out our projects page to see our completed and ongoing projects. Feel free to leave a comment or suggestion on our various Github repos!

View our project page

Contact us

Feel free to contact us at:

Or you can find us on Github:

Or find us with our Discords!
(found in Whois(); section)